We provide easy integration of permission forms, waivers & parental consent forms with electronic signatures.
Electronic signature for multiple types of forms
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Easily integrate existing forms or create new forms
The forms are flexible and perform an automatic validation of the data entered according to the selection criteria. We offer several types of data fields as well as administrative fields.

Use for client referral between brokers
Use ePermission as a client referral tool between brokers. Use status and administrative fields to trigger automated tracking emails and follow-ups.

Dashboard, simple reports and supports export to PDF and Spread Sheet
You can export any of the reports to a PDF or a spread sheet. The dashboard lets you compare the growth of the requests.

Send PDF confirmation of the form by email
You can set up automatic email responses upon the signature of a form. This email response can be fully configured and will have a copy of the form in a PDF format attached.

Easy access for your customers
ePermission is designed to work with internet browsers from smartphones, tablets, Macs and PCs. No special application is required which makes it so simple to use.

Secure Software
The data is kept in a secure online environment with controlled access. You keep owndership of your data and you can choose when to download or destroy it. We also keep an audit of all access to your information.

Proven solution and simplified interaction
Since its launch in January 2018, ePermission has processed more than 500,000 permission forms. Our multilingual software allows you to easily meet the needs of your organization. APIs allow you to connect ePermission to your website and QR codes easily integrate with your posters and advertising.

Savings & environmentally friendly solution
Cost per form is similar the cost of photocopies of standard forms. However, you do not have to keep box of forms for years. You also save management time and our software saves thousands of pages of paper.

Try it for free!
The first 50 form entries are on us!

Everytime a form is completed and processed, your form entry count will increase. When you reach the limit of entries, your customers will not be able to complete any form until you have purchased more entries. All data entries kept for 3 years with form entry purchase. The purchased form entries never expire!
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